好工作來了, 若你有四個月的時間,熟悉進出口貿易業務,渴望進入外商,會英文,別錯過這個機會。工作地點在台北,下面是工作內容:
1. review inbounds and outbound documents
2. apply import and export permits
3. validate license information for all imports
4. generate reports for all trade related cost
6. help with internal audits and inspections
7. handle duty, tax and other charges
8. familiar with trade regulations
- 2 years of relevant work experiences
- good communication with bosses
- Supportive, passionate, and socialable
- Good written and spoken Englisg
- Good at Microsoft Windows and Office.
約聘期間: 2016/12/15 - 2017/4/15
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