From my placements, I gained a great appreciation for a sound staff, teamwork, and respect in the work place. Also, these experiences have shaped my work ethic and my definition of a successful practice. I am open to new ideas and techniques and enjoy improvising and approaching problems with a flexible and pragmatic attitude.
Beyond the clinical skills, I learned how to communicate with clients, work well with others and support team members. These qualities have become a big part of me and transformed my view of a practice. With my can-do work attitude, I am certain I can be a strong contributor within a team environment.
1. 這段的用字遣詞和寫法與前幾段出入頗大,可以從線上軟體得知是從其他地方節錄出來(http://www.plagiarismchecker.com/)。 在國外找工作的朋友,避免這類太正點的句型、段落。
2. 改寫的方向是強調作者的合群能力和配合度,尤其適合剛畢業學生。
3. 有工作經驗的朋友,可以強調你的領導統御、談判、人脈、分析、組織、規劃、談判、社群等能力,但注意,要能吻合徵人啟事裡的條件才去描述。
When I was in Dove for my first placement, I was intrigued by the generally inadequate passive immunity transfer in calf in dairy farms. I believe it is a big issue for every dairy farmer. Additionally, I have strong interest in emergency medicine in small animals because of the intensive following-up and animal caring, most importantly, clients’ rewarding happiness.
My areas of career interest include the general inadequate passive immunity transfer in calves and emergency medicine in small animals. The clinic I wish to work for will expect me of high standards of animal care and allow me to continue to grow in professional skills and knowledge.
1. 修改的重點在摘要出兩個作者想專攻的領域,並省掉原因部份(可以在面試時發揮)。
2. 劃線部分是新增內容,帶進徵人啟事裡的關鍵字。
3. 這段尤其適合剛畢業的學生或學術界的學者。
4. 有經驗的朋友,先打聽該雇主發展的方向是否和你的專業領域一致,在決定要不要加這段。
I am looking forward a chance to introduce myself in person and a visit to your clinic. I can be contactable on my mobile: 02 2222 3333. I will follow up with a phone call next week. Thank you for your time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon and meeting you.
I look forward to further discussing my interest in your practice at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me at 02 2222 3333.